If you know anyone who would like to buy a 2002 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner, this truck shown above, then send them my way. Thanks. FYI $11,250 and 106,000 miles.
Now I know that this still looks clean but I can assure you that I am going to get some comments from my Dad (my boss) about why this looks so filthy. After all this is a company car.
I also love the feeling of my 4 wheel drive at work. I know many people with 4 wheel drive will never have to use it. I believe in 4 wheel drive and I think that it is a lot of fun having to use it. I have been in I think two situations so far in the three weeks that I have had this H3 where I know I could not have made it in my Tacoma with 2 wheel drive. Bottom line My H3 is fun and I love it.
Next 4 wheel adventure I hope to go on soon is the snow. I need to go snowboarding bad.